The augment system in PSO2:Classic is sure to give you a couple of headaches. It’s pretty complicated, the information given was minimal, and overall, I’m not a fan. Still, affixing augments to your weapons will help your gameplay tremendously, so it’s work looking into.

[Screenshot of a weapon in inventory with augment number] this is how you know what’s more worth keeping. When using them to affix augments into a new weapon, your fodder weapon has to have more augments than your base weapon, no exception (as far as I know!)

If you go ahead and decide to affix augments, you have to be ready for the possibility that it will fail. Unlike PSO2:NGS, failing an augment affix in Classic can honestly ruin your weapon. Here are some tips to avoid that.

  1. You can, and should, stack weapons (limit 5) into one affix try. That will make the process more likely to work.
  2. Stacking weapons with the same type of augment will give you a low chance of a higher augment (i.e. Stamina II on two weapons will give you the option to add a Stamina III augment)
  3. Some augments are not transferable.
  4. Just like in PSO2:NGS, all augments fall into specific categories, and you can only have one augment by category (like the Soul Augments in NGS, among others)

Increasing Augment slots is important. That can be done by using fodder weapons that have more augments on them than your base weapon.

The type and level of the augments, as well as the rarity of your fodder weapon, is not too relevant. In fact, having lower-level augments may be an advantage – they often have a 100% (or close to) success rate.

Adding more augment slots is still a gamble, however. By “forcing” more augments on a weapon than it used to have, the overall success rate of your augments (even if they were 100% when you selected them) will be lowered.

Success Boosters in Slot Increase is a very good idea. You can have 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% Success Boosters, and the best use for them is like this:

1>2 Slot

2>3 Slot Upgrades, use 2 or more fodders + a 10% booster

3>4 Slot Upgrades, use 2 or more fodders + a 20% booster

4>5 Slot Upgrades, use 2 or more fodders + a 20% or 30% booster

5>6 Slot Upgrades, use 2 or more fodders + a 30% or 40% booster

6>7 Slot Upgrades, this is gonna suck. Make sure to use at least 2 fodders, a 40% booster, and a couple of prayers.

7>8 Slot Upgrades… Not for the faint of heart! But the best you can do is still 2+fodders and a 40% booster.

For the last two options, I suggest waiting until there is an event bonus to Slot Upgrading… Although I’m not quite sure those still exist anymore, to be honest.

Also, using an exact copy of the same weapon as fodder makes for a better success rate.

You know what else is important? Getting the right damn augments on your weapon! And it’s not super easy either.

First, you need to figure out what you want as augments. That’s the easy part.

Second, you want to maximize your chance of actually getting the augment to transfer into your base weapon. Especially on higher level weapons/if you have a lot of slots, that means you may need to start by making your fodder first.

Upgrading an augment’s level is also a big problem, aka, better done on your fodder weapons.

So, if you DON’T need to upgrade an augment level, you’ll need the desired augment on 3 different fodder weapons in order to ensure a 100% chance of success (in most cases. Soul-category augments are more iffy, and it seems the max success rate is 80% or so)

If you DO need to upgrade an augment level, you still need the desired augment on 3 different fodder in order to ensure… a 40% chance of success for your leveled-up augment. 40% is the max as far as I’m aware.

Note: the “Soul Receptor” augment is a useful way to give a higher chance of success to a Soul-type augment affix. It also makes it possible to transfer one Soul affix on its own, instead of needing 2-3 copies of the Soul affix.

If this sounds like min-maxing, it is… but it’s not.

Yes, you need to figure out what augments you want on your main weapon, then build fodder the right way in order to get it, which is a lot of work. However, if you don’t plan ahead, you could do like me, and fail so miserably that your 6-augment weapon with pretty good stats ends up with 2 crappy augments on it.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a very high-rarity weapon… but it still hurt!!

The ideal setup (example):

  • Your base item with, say, 5 augment slots
  • 5 fodder items with 5+ augment slots (otherwise they can’t be used for this).

Not every augment needs to be amazing.

If you’re looking for something like:

Precision III

Blind IV

Stamina III

Reflex III

Toughness IV

All you need is 3x each augment to ensure a level up 40% chance or a non-level up 100% chance augment. 5 fodder weapons of 5 augment slots gives you 25 augment slots, whereas you will need, at the very most, 15 slots if you’re making up your weapon from scratch (aka your base weapon augments are absolute trash). If your base weapon already has one, two or three good augments, it’ll take even less.

The 5 augment slots are required since your main weapon has 5 augments, but as you can see in the previous image, you can have trash augments in some slots. One fodder item could have 4-5 of the good augments while another would only have 1 good augment on it, it doesn’t matter.

5 fodder items = best chance of success, although it certainly doesn’t guarantee it.

There is an insane amount of Augments in PSO2: Classic. There are databases out there to help you out with what they are/how to get them etc. This guide was only for the purpose of understanding augments, how they work and how they affix properly with high success rates.

I mentioned this earlier, but it’s important to know that there is an augment called “Soul Receptor” that will allow you to transfer a Soul-like augment. If you don’t have such augment, you would need more than 1 of the same Soul augment for it to be transferable (3 of the same Soul augment for the best chances). It also helps the success rate.

For a list of PSO2 Augments as well as some solid info on things like the Soul Receptor Augment I quickly explained, this Arks Visiphone augment database is really helpful!

Weapon enhancing

Our grumpy tutor, Jan, gives us a very quick quest to enhance our weapon or gear, and then we get an info box about it… which, if you’re like me, you’ve forgotten about as you read it. Here’s a quick recap and some extra info!

  1. Your weapon will need to have their potential unlocked each 10 levels. It’s the equivalent of NGS “Limit Break” and it takes Photon Spheres, which you can get from some quests or exchange on the 2nd floor of the Shopping Plaza. Talk to Tifris (first seller on the left)
  2. Grinders are a bit more rare in PSO2:Classic, keep that in mind.
  3. As you probably figured out through this guide, augments are a ridiculously complicated system and they can (and will) ruin your weapons if you’re not careful
  4. The element of your weapon can be upgraded to a point. You can also swap elements if you have an Element-changing Item.

Special Ability Factor

On page 2 of your weapon “item details” box, you can see the actual maximum enhancement level, which seems to be level 30 for most, if not all of them. Once you reach it, that’s that… For a while, anyway!

Limit Override

You weapon’s Max Enhancement level can go to 35 through the “Limit Override” mechanic. Going up to +35 instead of 30 will unlock the Special Ability Factor – giving you the option to affix an augment with 100% success rate, specific to that weapon. Enhancing your weapons with another weapon with the same name can increase your Max Enhancement level cap. The level cap will level faster if the copy used for enhancing is at more than lvl 30 itself.

Here is where you can find your weapon’s Special Ability Factor, and see which augment that weapon offers at 100% success rate once level 35 is reached.

“Confirm Augment Factor” on your weapon will show you the Special Ability Factor. You can find that option in your inventory.

You don’t NEED to have this augment on your weapon if you don’t want it, but it is an augment that won’t fail you if you do select it. In later game, you can check these things beforehand to determine what you want to use between two different weapons, if it matters to you. Some augments will be better for your playstyle than others!

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