Who will you choose? There really isn’t enough information at the time of choosing your first champion in Raid Shadow Legends for you to make an educated guess, so allow me to help you out a bit!

Which Raid Shadow Legends starter champion is best?

Ultimately, each of the four champions has something going for it, so if you already made your choice, don’t worry too much about it, you didn’t ruin your gameplay or anything!

The following list is not in any particular order.


The best choice as an all-rounder is Kael. His poison debuff and painful AOE attack will carry you pretty far. Different equip builds can be used for pretty diversified results, too!

Raid Shadow Legends Champion, Kael

His AOE attack, Acid Rain, will refill his turn meter by 25% for enemy that dies from the attack, and it kills enemies regularly. Thanks to that, Kael gets more turns, his cooldowns on abilities reset faster, and being able to place extra hits can sometimes make or break a fight.

The main reason why Kael is such a popular pick is that he really doesn’t have much of a weak point; he will pull his weight no matter the situation, and he will be an excellent choice of champion all the way into a lot of endgame scenarios.


Another very, very strong choice is Athel. She focuses on damage, giving weakness debuffs to enemies and buffing her own damage up. She will excel at many, many things as well, but her late game usability is less than Kael’s.

Raid Shadow Legends Champion, Athel

I have a simple reason not to pick Athel, however; Dark Athel. Of course, their abilities slightly differ, but not that much.

Dark Athel is a login bonus hero, which means that you’re sure to get her once you reach the 90-day login bonus threshold. Not only that, but Dark Athel’s focus is on turn-meter control. Between her speed self-buff and her AOE attack’s speed debuff on enemies, you’re going to love her in the Spider dungeon.

Is 90 days a lot to wait? I guess you could see it that way, but I choose to see it as a surefire way of getting this flavor of champion… soon.

Galek: the unloved starter champion

That orc did nothing to deserve it, but he is certainly the weakest champion you could choose as a starter. Is he bad, per se? No, he’s just not that good. Out of three abilities, only his AOE ability really shines, and his use is more situational than any other starter.

Raid Shadow Legends Champion, Galek

Galek is great in the Faction Crypts, and average at just about anything else. He will carry you through a solid part of early game, but you’re most likely to hit a wall with him, unlike Kael, Athel or Elhain. Struggling to clear stages early on is just no fun.

He can be geared in a way that he’ll be pretty good in arenas or dungeons, but gearing up properly is difficult at first, so be prepared to have a lackluster champion if you decide on Galek.

Elhain: not just Dragon Fodder

Poor Elhain certainly meets an unfortunate end in the tutorial story, but she’s a viable starter champion. Unlike Athel or Kael, she really only has raw damage to give, but that’s not always a bad thing! She works well in endgame, although she will be lacking in some aspects of the game.

Raid Shadow Legends Champion, Elhain

Her redeeming quality is her auto-attack; the possibility of placing a second hit based on critical hit chance is very good, especially since she has a Crit self-buff on her second ability (but only if her attack kills an enemy, which is honestly a common occurrence)

Final verdict

To me, the only two real options are Elhain and Kael. Galek’s situational uses are not something I want to deal with, and Athel is redundant considering the fact that Dark Athel will join my team soon enough.

I have research both and tried both, and my recommendation, like a lot of other people’s recommendation, is to pick Kael.

While reviews of Elhain and Kael are often very close in ranking, I found the gameplay with Kael to be so much easier on all acounts. For some reason, even with very similar gear and stats, Elhain doesn’t have as much survivability has Kael does.

I picked “wrong”; should I restart my game?

No, it’s really not necessary! None of these starter champions are inherently bad. Besides, each of these can drop randomly from green and blue shard summons, so you may end up having them all eventually, too.

Whoever you do pick, I suggest you take the time to look up your new champion to see what stats, equipment sets, and other things that will make your champion bring their A-game. I’ve included a link for each champion to a detailed review and how-to guide to gear them properly.

Oh, the Insanity.

These guides are PACKED with information, which is why I didn’t go into detail on each thing in this blog post; instead, I wanted to give you a simpler, possibly clearer, answer.

For numbers, stats, and technical things, I’ll always point you to the right direction – that direction often being Ayumilove.net. The thorough review work is incredible, and I refer to their champion guides often myself as they give a very complete idea of what to expect from a champion.

That kind of insane dedication to breaking down each and every little thing about a champion is something I do not have… In fact, I do sometimes leave their champion reviews more confused than when I starter reading it! It’s a lot of info to process.

On that note, I leave you to your champion choice! Make sure to check out a few of my other starter guides to help you out!

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