If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a ton of extra time on your hands to play video games. Life happens! Too many responsibilities out there, I tell ya. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Last Epoch to the fullest. Here are some tips and tricks from my experience in-game to help you make the most out of your play time.

PS: if you’re brand new, or barely started playing Last Epoch, I suggest you head over to my Beginner’s Guide to Last Epoch blog post first!

busy, busy life

If you’re like most busy gamers, you’re looking for ways to get the most out of your play time. There’s nothing more annoying than feeling rushed or having to stop in the middle of a game because you have to do something else. How DARE real life interrupt our precious game time, the audacity! In this blog post, I’ll give you some tips on how to make the most of your Last Epoch play time. Read on and learn how to progress AND have an enjoyable gaming session!

This post may contain affiliate links which means that I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase from a link found on my site.

LOOT CHEST! bingo!

Gear is important. Make sure you have the best possible equipment so that your skills will be powerful and effective against enemies, not underpowered like in some other games where players might find themselves dying too quickly because their gear isn’t up-to par with what’s required for combat intensity (i’m looking at YOU Dark Souls). Keep an eye on all of those loot drops–you’ll want to upgrade things regularly if possible!

If nothing good drops, don’t worry; just keep collecting the appropriate affixes (check out my ( affix info, pros and cons of some link soon) if you want more info on them) so you can craft yourself some great gear soon. Also pay attention when it comes time mastery abilities: each one has its own tags attached below the description which tells us exactly how we can improve them through different affixes or stats obtained while leveling up. Stocking up on affix shards that match the tag of your main spell is definitely worth it, you’ll need them later!

choose your class, mastery, and skills wisely

I can’t stress enough the importance of choosing a class that you enjoy. If it’s not fun, then why bother? Bonus points if you are already familiar with it or if you looked into it and know that you’re interested in a specific gameplay, build, or have a build theory you want to put to the test! It’ll really help reducing time spent zoning out and lessening your “research I’ll keep for later” tab addiction (not saying it’s gonna go away entirely though, trust me, I know). If you’re not sure what class and build to choose, or if you’re new at the game and want some help, take a look at this guide‘s “Good starter builds” section.

Use your skills wisely. In Last Epoch, there are a lot of different skills and abilities you can use, but we can only use 5 spells at a time. Think about what skills will be most effective in each situation, which synergies are best for your gameplay, and use them accordingly. If you are unsure or want some guidance, you can go to lastepochtools.com/builds for a list of builds, or come on over to my (top 5 favorite builds article link soon)!

Research made easy

Save time by using the right tools. There are lots of great Last Epoch resources out there that can help you save time. For example, the Last Epoch Tools website is a fantastic resource for quickly finding information about gear, skills, planning a build, asking questions on the forum, and more. You can also download one of my Loot Filters here (LootFilters link soon) and apply it by hitting Shift+F and importing the filter. It can be a lifesaver when you get so many loot drops, but need specific things. Having to look through 30 text boxes and trying to see what’s good is a time waster.

to troll or not to troll (just kidding… or am i?)

While Last Epoch is not currently in multiplayer mode, it is still a lot more fun to play with friends, even if it’s just through chatting. If you’re feeling social, try general chat, but approach it with the same reservation you would have before heading into reddit (not that it’s gonna save you). You might make friends(or add new names to your blocked list) and progress through the game quicker. There is always people online and they know a lot about Last Epoch. Questions in the general chat rarely go unanswered!

Experiment and make use of the settings options

Last but not least, take advantage of the customizable options to make the gameplay as efficient as possible for you. In the settings menu (Esc button), you can remap key binds for anything that makes more sense to you. This will save you a lot of time, especially if you’ve played other games that have different key binds and you don’t want to learn a new arrangement. You can also toggle the map (the default command being Tab) to bring it from the corner to full-screen overlay, which may be something you like better, like me.

My boss is SUCH a jerk!

BONUS TIP: While most of Last Epoch is a fairly smooth-sailing ride, there is one boss that will most likely wreck you. It is often referred to as “the first boss with actual mechanics” which I understand, although it’s not quite accurate.

I went in, got murdered by that boss, and then I decided that maybe I could leave him there until I’m stronger. I went back to the monoliths, which is more end-game/grindy, and started going through the timelines for better gear.

Okay I lied. I’m a very stubborn player so I decided on the monoliths after like, the 12th miserable death or somewhere around that. Nothing gets the blood pumping like hearing the boss’s roleplay sentences on a loop for half an hour, right? Don’t be like me. Once you get to that part, or if you want to go to the monoliths earlier, just do that first. If you’re unsure about what monoliths are or how to go through them, check out my (monolith blog post link coming soon).


I think that’s enough spoiler warnings.

The brick wall of a boss I am talking about is Lagon. Once you get to the point where you need a boat to go to a small island, you’re approaching him. You can try… and let me know in the comments how that went 😛

have fun playing, and keep it smooth-sailing with what you learned here!

If you’re short on time, any of these tips and tricks is a great way to still progress through the game without having to spend hours upon hours grinding… although no one can escape grinding once you hit monoliths. It is currently the only end-game content and it’s made to be grindy, HOWEVER I find that the randomness they gave to the timelines are really making each map pretty unique and interesting.

Check out my (youtube channel link soon) for build ideas or a good laugh in the fails playlist!

I hope you found these tips helpful! Now get out there and enjoy Last Epoch to the fullest!

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