Early game is a fun mix of discovering RAID: Shadow Legends and wishing you knew what the heck you’re doing. This is why I wanted to make a short guide about which champions you want as a team in early game.

Your starter champion will be in your team for some time.

All 4 starter champions are very good, and you will be keeping your starter in your team a lot. As per my Picking A Starter Champion Guide, I usually choose Kael, and he’s pretty much irreplaceable so far.

Your starter champion will go through so many gear set upgrades! But it’s worth it; you’ll need to get out of the crappy gear territory, and having a well-geared Kael (or other, I don’t judge!) will help you reach levels where gear is better.

Note: All champions’ links lead to the Ayumilove.net database. All links to champions will open in a different window.

Your Sniper Champ

Your guaranteed Sniper champion is a good bet, too. She will eventually end up being fodder for another champion, but that means you can certainly 4-star her, maybe even 5-star if you need her skills a bit longer. Once you do use her as fodder, she’ll be an easy, ready-made 5-star chicken!

… I could have worded that better.

Moving on. Sniper’s stat priority is ATK%, Crit rate, and Speed, mostly. She is a bit squishy, so I suggest getting her a HP% chest piece if you can, and maybe keep an eye on gear substats for a bit of extra HP and DEF.

First stop: Durham Forest

Some will say to progress through the 12 stages ASAP, while others will say to stay in Durham Forest until you get yourself a Spirithost. Both options are valid; Spirithost is insanely useful, so she’s worth stopping for.

Your Spirithost will also be a key point to a solid early-game Arena team, as well.

See also: PSO2:NGS – Daily Valuably Items to pick up for N-Meseta

Second stop: Deadlands

Chapter 9 of the campaign will have you in barbarian territory! Another key champion to both your campaign and arena teams; Warmaiden. Her 60% Decrease DEF debuff will carry you quite far. Her synergy with Spirithost makes them a solid duo almost anywhere, too!

While Chapter 9 is a bit far off, you should have no worries getting there with your starter, Sniper, and Spirithost. Your last team slot could be used for any rare champion you get, or just to level up fodder for later use. You’ll need quite a bit of fodder, so might as well start early!

and don’t forget to enjoy the story, too!

It’s a nice little storyline; make sure not to skip it if it’s your first playthrough! There’ll be plenty of time for more technical stuff later.

See also: Farmable Champions Guide – RAID: Shadow Legends

Sniper, pt.2

Soon enough, you’ll be looking to replace your weaker link; Sniper. Don’t use her up as fodder just yet, as she can still be quite helpful in Faction Crypts and non-Force potion keeps (after all, she’s already geared up and everything!)

In a lot of other situations though, she’ll be lacking. You can play around with your team combination by then and see what you like!

Here are a couple of (farmable) replacement ideas for you:


Let’s not forget the obvious

While my guides focus on accessible, farmable champions, there is no doubt that you will eventually luck out on a good rare or Epic champion not listed above. Possibly even a Legendary, who knows!

Uncommons and Commons (and even some Rares…) are mostly watered-down versions of better champions. If you get them, you should certainly use them.

For example, Outrider is a diet Coldheart. Nothing wrong with that, but if you do manage to get yourself a Coldheart, it’d be silly not to use her. Her skills are far better!

Some are here to stay

On the other hand, Warmaiden, Shieldguard, Sorceress and Spirithost are champions that won’t be easily left behind. In some cases, you may find situational upgrades to these champions, but not quite a full upgrade. That’s fine! That’s why we don’t dismiss the low-rank and farmable champs around here!

short and sweet

The goal was to make a pretty short guide for new players to have an idea of what to do without being overwhelmed. I hope this guide was helpful to yo, and that you have an idea for a team direction that will work well. Let me know what you think!

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